Note: This letter is as sent to the Commission on Judicial Conduct except that all identifying information for my former wife has been replaced with her first name, Karyn, as the normal references on my web pages are to first name only. Signatures are shown in italics.

Brian Carr
11301 NE 7th St, Apt J5
Vancouver, WA 98684

J Reiko Callner
Commission on Judicial Conduct
PO Box 1817
Olympia, WA 98507

Dear Mr. Callner:

August 12, 2006

Thank you for your letter of August 7, 2006 and the attention the Commission has paid to this matter. I would like to ask for additional information concerning the conclusions of the Commission and ask that they reconsider the matter.

In particular I would like to know if the problem was that they could not substantiate that Clark County Superior Court Judges Johnson, Nichols, and Harris violated the Washington State Constitution by appointing four Superior Court Commissioner in 2004 and 2005. Washington State Constitution, Article IV, Section 23 limits the appointment of such Commissioners in any given county to 'not exceeding three in number'. It appears that the Clark County Superior Court is no longer violating that numeric limit, but I can provide copies of Orders for 2004 and 2005 which demonstrate that they violated it in 2004 and 2005.

If the problem was a determination that such violations of the explicit limits of the constitution are violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct, I would be happy to supply the legal basis for such a determination.

Your attention to this matter is appreciated.


Brian Carr
Brian Carr

This page was last updated on June 24, 2007.