Note: This letter is as received from the Commission of Judicial Conduct.

The actual scanned text (slower to download and harder to search and read) is also available. The context for this letter can be found at:

P.O. BOX 1817, Olympia, WA 98507
(360) 753-4585 FAX (360)586-2918

June 14, 2007


Brian Carr
11301 NE 7th St., Apt. J5
Vancouver, WA 98684

Re: Complaint No. 5079

Dear Mr. Carr:

I am writing in response to your e-mail received on this date. As you know, the Commission declined to reopen investigation of the above-referenced matter at its meeting on June 8, 2007. Specifically, the Commission voted to "dismiss as no basis to reopen." This matter, therefore, is now closed, and the confidentiality provisions of the Commission's rules no longer apply to you. (Please see CJCRP 11(a)(2) and (3) for details.) The commission members who considered your request to reopen at the June 8, 2007, meeting were: Wanda Briggs (Vice Chair), Antonio Cube, Wayne Ehlers, Hubert Locke, John Erlick, Margaret Ross, John Schultheis and John Sleeter. Under CJCRP 11(a)(1), I am not permitted to disclose how any particular member voted during initial proceedings.

I wish you the best.

Kurt C. Twitty
Senior Investigative Counsel
This page was last updated on June 23, 2007.