U.S. Federal District Court, Carr v. Reed et al and Carr v. Oregon et al

In May of 2007 I filed a Federal Civil Case concerning numerous violations in Western Washington. All papers are filed electronically so it is easy for me to post everything in the case history:

Ninth Circuit Appeal, Washington

I have submitted my brief to the Ninth Circuit Court. Mailed on Dec 31 as mailing earlier just gives more time to the state. The copies came to 17 pounds. Yikes. Had to be mailed as the Portland court does not accept filings. Too bad they haven't adopted electronic filing like the District Court. My brief is nothing really interesting, just restates the arguments made to the District Court (but in a forum where they might be receptive). The excerpt of record (optional for me) was over 200 pages and five bound single sided copies. That is where most of the weight came from.

So, it looks like the Ninth Circuit has done the safe and cautious thing, which is nothing at all, but they also gave me the most flexability that is possible (dismissing without prejudice which permits me to seek the same relief elsewhere if appropriate). Next stop will be the U.S. Supreme Court which is almost certainly a symbolic gesture as they get far too many cases to seriously consider even a small fraction of what is presented to them. However, I need to make the effort just for a sense of completeness and standing up for what is right (even if it is a futile effort).

U.S. Supreme Court, Washington

The Supreme Court has some really odd rules. I had to submit a Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis to submit on 8.5 by 11 paper.

Oregon Suit

On March 31, 2008 I started the Oregon case.

Ninth Circuit Appeal, Oregon

The Oregon appeal is in the Ninth Circuit Court with case CA08-35902. The Ninth Circuit Court is transitioning to CM/ECF. Future documents that I file will be filed directly into CM/ECF.
1 The court denied this Motion mostly because there was already a General Order in place. However, I had looked for it on the internet at large as well as within their web site. It is placed quite poorly (once I found it) and not formatted for ready access via the search engines. I am attaching a link to the page with the General Order of the Court regarding Public Access to Electronic Case Files (filed 5/29/03) as well as the simpler notice of Redacting Personal Information Notice (for Privacy and Public Access to Electronic Case Files (ECF)) to help drive the search engines to these pages (the real purpose of this footnote). The Middle District of Tennessee has done an excellent job of publicizing their page and the Western District of Missouri has done well with their page. To really help the search engines find the Western Washington page, I would need to alter the source (not necessarily displayed source, but internal flags that search engines use), which I can't reasonably do. However, we all do what we can!

This page was last updated on October 4, 2011.